Fitness Classes

Heavenly Hands Fitness Classes–with Linda Baker

Low Impact Show High:  M–W–F at 8am, in the Auditorium.

Contact:  Linda Baker, 434-882-4699.

Blue Ridge Tai Chi Classes

12 week sessions, Tuesday mornings in the Pavilion.   Questions? Contact


Sunday Mornings:  Pickleball

Sundays 9–11am, On the basketball court.  In order to adhere to the Governor’s mandates and protect our health, the rules for play are below.

– No personal contact such as shaking hands, hugging, high fives, etc.
– Require 6 ft. separation when off the court.  Encourage that by placing chairs 6+ ft. apart.  Maintain 6 ft. distancing when possible while playing.
– No one who is ill may play.
– Participants should bring their own cloth and/or paper towels and hand sanitizer.
– Avoid picking up the ball if possible.  You may wish to mark/bring an outdoor ball for your own use while serving.
– Use of gloves and/or masks is optional but encouraged both on and off the court.
– No sharing of paddles or other equipment except for those in the same household.  Avoid touching objects on and around the courts including chairs.
– Bring an adequate personal water supply.
– We will provide a basket or jar where people can drop their fees to minimize contact via money.  We will forgo the sign-up sheet and simply take a headcount to minimize contact via paper and pens.  Those who wish to be placed on the email list can simply email a request to with their name and email address.
– A first aid kit will be on site, and players are encouraged to bring their own.

Let’s have fun and be safe!


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